Nankunshen Temple


Historical Periods in Nankunshen’s Development

Tiger Grotto Divined as New Temple Site

Holy War in the Highlands

Building the Temple at Kanglang

The Story of Wanshan Temple

Religious Education & Tourism Area






Tiger Grotto Divined as New Temple Site

Tiger Grotto Divined as New Temple Site

Erosion of the Nankunshen sand dunes encouraged residents to move inland. Directed by The Five Lords, a search also began in earnest to find a new temple site – one well suited for the gods to continue their duties as ‘Heaven’s Terrestrial Inspectors’. Atop a palanquin, the 3rd Lord Wufu instructed the temple faithful toward Kanglang Hill, where Tiger Grotto (Hu Wo) was divined as an ideal location to consecrate a new temple for the Five Lords.

At the time, the Kanglang highlands belonged to Mr. Kung-lie Wu, a resident of Yanshui Harbor’s Jiadongjiao District. ‘Tiger Grotto’ was located within this property. It was a small patch of land that stubbornly remained bone dry throughout the year, a place untouched by morning dews or rain. At the request of Mr. Wu, geomancers had visited numerous times, but repeatedly failed to change conditions there. Upon learning of the 3rd Lord’s surprisingly favorable survey of ‘Tiger Grotto’, Mr. Wu willingly donated the land out of reverence and respect for the Five Lords to build their new temple home.


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